Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster Revamps Achievements, Adds New Challenges

Capcom’s beloved zombie action game, Dead Rising, has received a fresh coat of paint and a significant overhaul in its latest release, Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster. This updated version of the 2006 classic not only offers enhanced graphics and several quality-of-life improvements but also features a comprehensive redesign of the game’s achievements system.

Major Achievement Changes

In Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster, players will notice a considerable easing of previously challenging achievements. The revamp includes substantial modifications aimed at making the achievement system more accessible while preserving the essence of the original game.

Among the most notable changes, the achievement “Sharp Dresser” now requires players to don five different outfits instead of the original twenty. Similarly, “Bullet Point” has been simplified from requiring 1,000 bullets to just 300. The “Item Smasher” achievement now calls for breaking only 30 items, a significant reduction from the original 100.

The “Karate Champ” achievement, which once demanded players to defeat 1,000 zombies using only their bare hands, has been notably adjusted, though specifics remain under wraps to avoid spoilers. Another significant shift sees the “Stunt Rider” and “Stunt Driver” achievements consolidated into a single task.

Furthermore, the “Frank the Pimp” achievement—formerly requiring players to escort eight female survivors—has been renamed to “The Grateful Eight,” reflecting its updated criteria. Perhaps the most substantial alteration involves the “Transmissionary” achievement, which now only necessitates answering 30 radio calls from Otis, a considerable reduction from the original requirement to respond to every call.

New Achievements and Features

Capcom has also introduced new achievements that add fresh challenges to Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster. Players can now aim for the “Nice Shot” achievement by sending a golf ball flying for at least 100 metres, or the “Rampage” achievement for eliminating 100 enemies with a rocket launcher. These new goals are designed to encourage exploration and creativity within the game’s expansive Willamette Mall setting.

Achievements Removed from the Remaster

While many achievements have been modified or simplified, some of the original achievements have been omitted in the remaster. Notably, “Indoorsman” and “Outdoorsman,” which required players to spend extended periods either indoors or outdoors, have been removed. The “Perfect Gunner” achievement, notorious for its buggy nature in the original game, is also absent from the remaster. Additionally, the “Unbreakable” achievement, which required players to complete the game’s true ending without being knocked out, has been retired.

Impact on Gameplay

The adjustment of achievements in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster reflects a broader trend towards making classic games more accessible to modern audiences. By reducing the difficulty of certain achievements and introducing new ones, Capcom aims to offer both veteran players and newcomers a more enjoyable and less frustrating experience.

The quality-of-life enhancements, such as the ability to fast-forward time and the improved survival rate for NPCs, further contribute to a more streamlined gameplay experience. The rebalanced Infinity Mode, which now allows players to save and quit mid-run and earn extra supplies by defeating enemies, is another welcomed change that addresses some of the more challenging aspects of the original game.

With these updates, Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster offers a refreshed take on a classic, blending improved visual fidelity and gameplay enhancements with a revamped achievement system. While some players may miss the challenge of the original achievements, the new and modified goals are designed to enrich the overall experience. As players delve into the updated version of Willamette Mall, they will encounter both familiar and novel challenges, potentially revitalising interest in this iconic zombie title.

As the gaming community continues to engage with the remaster, it will be interesting to observe how these changes influence player feedback and whether Capcom will consider further updates or adjustments based on community response.

Sam Allcock
Sam Allcock
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