Santa Monica Studio, the renowned developer behind the critically acclaimed God of War franchise, appears to be venturing into new territory with whispers circulating...
Sony, the renowned gaming giant, is aiming to revolutionise the gaming experience with its latest venture into artificial intelligence (AI). In a recent patent...
In a surprising turn of events, a recent rumour has ignited speculation within the gaming community, suggesting that the classic 2004 video game adaptation...
In a recent leak that has sent ripples across the gaming community, details regarding the download size of the highly anticipated PlayStation 5 exclusive,...
Bandai Namco and FromSoftware have dropped a bombshell on the gaming community with the release of the much-anticipated Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree...
In a stunning revelation during today's Nintendo Direct, fans of 3D platformers and beloved characters were treated to the exciting news of a remake...
In a surprising move announced during the Nintendo Direct: Partner Presentation, Capcom unveiled its plan to resurrect the beloved 2017 Nintendo 3DS game, Monster...
Speculation is rife among gaming enthusiasts as Gearbox Software founder, Randy Pitchford, drops hints suggesting the possibility of Borderlands 4, intensifying excitement within the...