Supergiant Games Witnesses Resurgence with Hades 2 Early Access Release

Supergiant Games, the indie developer famed for their fusion of gripping narratives and innovative gameplay, has found itself amidst a gaming renaissance with the early access release of Hades 2. While anticipation for the sequel reached a crescendo, the unexpected consequence has been a revitalisation of interest in the original Hades title.

Hades 2, the sequel to the critically acclaimed roguelike game, descended into the gaming sphere on May 6, gracing Steam with its presence. The response from enthusiasts has been nothing short of staggering, with the sequel amassing a peak concurrent player count that has surpassed even the loftiest expectations. Within a mere 24 hours post-launch, Hades 2 had already doubled the peak concurrent player count achieved by its predecessor. The figures continued to soar, reaching a zenith of 103,567 concurrent players, positioning the game among Steam’s most-played titles. The acclaim showered upon Hades 2 has been unequivocal, with gamers extolling its polished gameplay mechanics, immersive storyline, and vibrant characters.

Yet, amidst the fervour surrounding the sequel’s release, a curious phenomenon has emerged. Players, drawn in by the allure of Hades 2, have also found themselves revisiting the original title in unprecedented numbers. Despite being four years removed from its debut, the inaugural Hades instalment has witnessed a resurgence of interest, shattering its previous peak concurrent player record. Over the last 24 hours alone, Hades boasted an impressive 40,332 concurrent players, eclipsing its 2020 record by a margin of nearly three thousand gamers. This resurgence serves as a testament to the enduring appeal and timeless quality of the game, solidifying its status as a titan within the roguelike genre.

Supergiant Games, renowned for their ability to craft captivating narratives steeped in mythology, experienced a watershed moment with the release of the original Hades. The game garnered widespread acclaim, clinching over 70 Game of the Year awards and thrusting the indie studio into the limelight. While earlier projects such as Bastion, Transistor, and Pyre earned critical acclaim, none could match the meteoric rise of Hades.

The bar has been set high for the sequel, with expectations reaching stratospheric heights. However, Hades 2 exhibits a wealth of promising features, including the introduction of the Arcana Card system, enhanced resource-gathering mechanics, and a cadre of intriguing new characters. While some may lament the absence of Zagreus, the charismatic protagonist of the original title, Hades 2 introduces players to Melinoe, the immortal Princess of the Underworld. With a mystical playstyle centred on incantations and casting, Melinoe promises to captivate audiences with her own unique tale.

As Supergiant Games charts a course into uncharted waters with Hades 2, the gaming community eagerly awaits to see if lightning can strike twice. With the resurgence of interest in the original Hades serving as a testament to the franchise’s enduring legacy, the stage is set for a thrilling new chapter in the mythological saga. Only time will tell if Hades 2 can ascend to the lofty heights set by its predecessor, but one thing remains certain – Supergiant Games has once again captured the hearts and imaginations of gamers around the world.

Sam Allcock
Sam Allcock
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