Renowned streamer Imane "Pokimane" Anys has announced her departure from Twitch, concluding a decade-long journey on the Amazon-owned platform. Rising to prominence in 2013...
In a surprising announcement, Blizzard has disclosed details about Diablo 4's upcoming time-limited event, the Lunar Awakening, set to commemorate the Chinese Lunar New...
In an era where our lives are increasingly entwined with the online realm, having a dependable internet connection is paramount. However, the landscape of...
As iPhone users, we've all encountered the enigmatic 'Other' storage category that seems to consume valuable space on our devices without a clear explanation....
In the fast-paced digital age, the reliance on smartphone features, like the contact list on the iPhone, is undeniable. The convenience they bring is...
In a surprising turn of events, Embracer Group, formerly known as THQ Nordic, has reportedly cancelled a yet-to-be-announced sequel to the popular Deus Ex...
In a surprising turn of events, leaks surrounding Overwatch 2's Season 9 update have surfaced, hinting at substantial changes to the popular first-person hero...
In a surprising turn of events, Rocksteady Studios has incorporated support for the controversial Denuvo anti-tamper DRM in the highly anticipated Suicide Squad: Kill...